// Topic: Power
Transforming Narrative Waters: Growing the practice of deep narrative change in the UK
Transforming Narrative Waters provides background on narrative change practices as well as the opportunities and challenges for narrative work in the UK.
Narratives of the Future Worksheet
This worksheet surfaces preferred futures and the narratives that can support them. While this worksheet can be used individually or at an organization, we contend that futures exercises are most effective when used by groups or coalitions in existing relationship, or by those who wish to embark on a shared project together.
Taller de un día: usar narrativas para construir nuestro poder
El currículo de este taller se enfoca en formar poder narrativo, combinando estrategias de narrativa con trabajo de coalición y de campaña, e integrando trabajo organizativo y comunicaciones estratégicas.
Daylong Training: Using Narrative to Build Our Power
This Daylong Training curriculum focuses on building narrative power, weaving narrative strategies into campaign and coalitional work, and integrating organizing and strategic communications.
Building Narrative Infrastructure in Minnesota
A report on Narrative Initiative’s state strategy to support emergent narrative change infrastructure in Minnesota that includes what we learned as well as recommendations for practitioners and funders.