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Greater than Fear: A podcast from Brave New Words
In this episode of Brave New Words, discover how, through rounds of research and strategic implementation of findings, a coalition of grassroots and labor groups found a narrative that speaks to both race and class concerns.
As a markedly white state with a growing, politically-engaged Somali-American population, Minnesota seemed ripe for the race baiting and anti-immigrant appeals core to right-wing politics. Progressive leaders in the state confronted a familiar dilemma: pursue white working-class defectors by focusing on economic issues or mobilize a disenchanted base by putting racial justice front and center. But they chose not to choose.
From a 43,000 person celebration of the Muslim holiday Eid-al-Adha, to carefully considered door-knocking operations, to interactive social media memes, the Greater Than Fear campaign showed that we can simultaneously drive turnout from our base and persuade the middle.
Brave New Words takes listeners on a journey around the globe with renowned communications researcher and campaign advisor Anat Shenker-Osorio as she unpacks real-world narrative shifts that led to real-world victories. From electing the dynamic Jacinda Ardern Prime Minister of New Zealand, to repealing a national ban on abortion in Ireland, to beating back right-wing race baiting in Minnesota, Anat and her guests explore what made it possible to engage the base, persuade the middle, send the naysayers packing, and win.
Learn more, listen and subscribe at BraveNewWordsPod.com.