// Category: Frameworks

Polyvocality represented by a collage of images showing people speaking out and making their voice heard.

Polyvocal narrative strategy: Turning many voices into durable change

Polyvocality is the power of many voices to shift and sustain narrative change. Polyvocality can shape culture, politics and society.

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Four Baskets identifies and explains the capacities needed for narrative change projects: Create, translate, deploy and observe together.

Four Baskets: Necessary capacities for narrative change

The Four Baskets hold capacities and processes needed to create, implement and continually strengthen narrative change projects. As they are filled, the Four Baskets (Create, Translate, Deploy and Observe Together) provide campaigners, communicators and leaders with a framework for doing narrative change.

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Waves: A model for deep narrative change

Waves is both a simple illustration and a model that unpacks the complex relationship between values, narratives and stories.

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Constructing Gravity hero image

Constructing Gravity: Frameworks and tools for narrative change

Constructing Gravity is a series of Narrative Initiative articles sharing resources, tools and opportunities for reflecting on how to create, deploy, measure and improve narrative change.

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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Narrative Tech: Categories, needs and what’s next

How can we assess, categorize and prioritize the technologies that create, distribute and test narrative change? Together with dozens of artists, campaigners, communicators and technologists we’re identifying and evaluating the tech tools we have and need for narrative change.

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Narrative Initiative

Explanation and the “How” of a Narrative

We recently spoke with Julie Sweetland, Senior Advisor at FrameWorks Institute, about Unleashing the Power of How: An Explanation Declaration. Released in March as part of FrameWorks Institute’s 20th anniversary, the Explanation Declaration asks communicators to help people understand the “how” behind issues and see that how as a critical part of engaging and empowering…

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1 2 3 blocks at Fabrik23 in Berlin

Narrative infrastructure to build a bigger we

Campaigners, funders, strategists and storytellers are all thinking about the systems and tools needed to measure, teach and test narrative change strategies. At Meeting the Populist Moment, a convening co-hosted by Narrative Initiative and Open Society Foundations in Berlin this past June, participants spoke of narrative infrastructure in a time of rising populism. We spoke…

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Narrative Change: A Working Definition (and Some Related Terms)

Narrative Initiative has been gathering up different ways people talk about narrative change, how it’s structured, and how it moves in the world. As our staff engage partners and practitioners, we’ve found it helpful to highlight existing terms in use and offer shared terminology where we identify gaps.

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